Occupational Therapy

At Dinkum Disability, we understand the immense challenges families face after receiving a diagnosis of a childhood-onset progressive genetic condition. Occupational therapy (OT) plays a vital role in supporting both children and families throughout this journey.

What is Dinkum Disability's Approach to Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapists (OTs) are healthcare professionals trained to empower individuals towards independence and a fulfilling life. They achieve this by focusing on the "occupations" – the meaningful activities of daily living that hold significance for each child. Our OT’s utilise a comprehensive approach that blends evidence-based practices with data-driven assessments to evaluate a child's strengths, challenges, and environment.

The Power of Meaningful Activities: Fostering Engagement and Achievement

Dinkum Disability's core mission is built upon the remarkable ability of OT to empower people to engage in activities that hold true meaning for them. Through our OT services, we help children with progressive conditions rediscover the joy of participation, even as their abilities evolve. We equip them with the tools and strategies necessary to push boundaries, achieve remarkable results, and experience a profoundly fulfilling life.

How Dinkum OT Empowers Children:

  • Maintaining Independence: Our OTs collaborate with children to develop the skills they need to master daily tasks like dressing, bathing, and eating, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

  • Promoting Development: We utilize a variety of research-informed approaches, including play-based therapy, to encourage development in areas like motor skills, sensory processing, and communication.

  • Adapting to Change: As the condition progresses, our therapists work closely with children to adapt existing skills and learn new strategies to manage new challenges. This process is informed by best practices and data-driven progress tracking.

Supporting Families with Dinkum OT:

The benefits of OT extend beyond the child. Dinkum Disability offers comprehensive support for families navigating the complexities of caring for a child with a progressive genetic condition. This support includes:

  • Guidance and Education: Our therapists provide families with the knowledge and skills they need to support their child's development and well-being at home, utilizing evidence-based strategies.

  • Assistive Technology: We can help families identify and implement assistive technology that can enhance their child's independence and participation in activities, based on current research and data.

  • Emotional Support: Occupational therapists understand the emotional toll this journey takes on families. We offer a listening ear and connect families with resources to manage stress and cope with the ongoing changes.

Dinkum Disability's occupational therapy services are designed to be holistic and family-centered. We work alongside children and families to create a life filled with meaning, participation, and hope, utilizing evidence-based practices and data-driven approaches every step of the way.