WHO Do we support?

Dinkum Disability dedicates its services to supporting individuals and families facing a unique set of challenges. We specialise in childhood-onset progressive genetic conditions because these conditions present a complex and ongoing journey for everyone involved.

Here's what makes these conditions unique:

  • Progressive Decline: These conditions cause a gradual decline in function, creating a constant need to adapt and cope with new limitations. This leads to a unique and ongoing experience of grief and loss for families who witness their child's abilities slowly diminish.

  • Genetic Inheritance: The hereditary nature of these conditions brings a significant family component into play. Issues like guilt, blame, and the need for comprehensive support extend to parents, siblings, and other family members.

  • Childhood Onset: The impact on children is particularly devastating. Unlike conditions that appear later in life, these children lose the chance to experience a typical childhood. This heartbreaking decline is both witnessed and endured by their parents.

This combination of progressive deterioration, genetic inheritance, and early onset creates a unique set of challenges. That's why Dinkum Disability takes a specialised approach. We focus on providing comprehensive support that addresses not only the physical needs of individuals with these conditions, but also the emotional well-being of both patients and their families throughout this ongoing journey.